Nxeco Controller FW V.2.4.2 Released

On Jan, 10, 2020, Nxeco releases smart controller FW v.2.4.2 officially. The FW v.2.4 is only applied for HWN12-200 (12 Zone) and HWN12-200 plus (36 Zone).

In this version, Nxeco upgraded the following issues.

  • ·         Correct the possible watering minutes errors on zone 13 – 36.
  • ·         Enhance the synchronization among controllers, cloud and terminators.
  • ·         Correct the accounting errors as watering reaching maximum limitation.
  • ·         Add infinite Delay feature and Delay warning on head page of APP.

The V.2.4.2 FW is installed to new controller HWN12-200 and could be uploaded to customer’s controller via Internet.